Speed Boat

ca. 20 Minuten




Price: € 405,00 (Price variant: Sillinger 400 HP)

Sillinger 400 HP € 405,00
Hurricane 900 HP € 780,00
Goldfish M12 1050 HP € 925,00

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Experience Vienna from a different perspective - from the water. The speedboat lets you fly over the water. The sprung seats offer great comfort even at speeds of up to 120 km/h. This speed is roughly equivalent to 200 km/h on the road and sometimes gives you a queasy feeling in the stomach area, accompanied by a big grin on your face. Choose an RHIB (rigid hull inflatable boat) for up to 5 people (Sillinger 400PS, Hurricane 900PS) or for up to 10 people (Goldfish M12 1050PS), depending on your requirements. These boats are characterized by their highly specialized construction, powerful engines and an experienced captain who always adapts the trip to the respective situation and the needs of the passengers. Safety is our top priority so that your experience is unforgettable.

Scope of services:

Speed boat drive along the Danube Marina.

Physical requirements:

  • Physical and health fitness
  • Special life jackets are available for children - the riding style or speed is adapted accordingly (not recommended for children under 6 years)


  • No operation in darkness or high water!
  • In bad weather or after heavy rainfall in the previous days, there may be postponements (too much floating debris in the water, high water, ...) -> In this case, a suitable alternative date will be agreed together.


15-20 minutes


  • Donaumarina, Vienna.
  • You can find more detailed information about the location in the booking documents.
    Location: by arrangement, in Vienna on the Danube

Price information:

The price (outside opening hours) is valid for:
Mon-Thu 10:00-20:00
Fri 10:00-14:00
Sun 17:00-20:00

Group size:

  • Maximum number of persons per boat: 5 persons for the Sillinger and Hurricane price variants, 10 persons for the Golfish M12 price variant
  • Several individual bookings possible.


Spectators are welcome!

Equipment / clothing:

Sporty and weather-related clothing.

Date availability:

Upon request!

Appointments can be made:

Upon request!

Do you have any questions? We are here for you personally!

Bank Account:
IBAN: AT34 4480 0306 3849 0010