Action & Romance Valentine's Day

Your options:

Couple Adventure

Price: € 659,00

Experience something special in twos: action on the Offroad- parcours, comfortable cruising straight trrough the "Waldviertler" landscape, culinary delights, pure pampering in a spa hotel and a romantic conoe trip. What else could you ask for?

Details & Booking

Action for couples

Price: € 699,00

On the first day, SHE is gonna be pampered in the 4*- wellnesshotel while HE demonstrates his skills on the agility-parcours and with the digger, Quad and sledge. A romantic Candlelight dinner will round the day off. The next day, you will go on a canoe trip in a cosy togetherness!

Details & Booking

Do you have any questions? We are here for you personally!

Bank Account:
IBAN: AT34 4480 0306 3849 0010